Overworking Won't Help You Succeed

overlap of productivity & self-care self-care


Resources and links mentioned:

Ultimate Time Management for Assistants

Assistants Who Self-Care Facebook Community


Check out the video transcript:

Do you feel it's necessary to hustle and work long hours in order to be successful as an assistant? Well, stay tuned. I'm about to share with you why this is a myth and what to do instead. Assistants, if you would like more transformational strategies geared towards you, please subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when my weekly videos go live. I'm Annie Croner of And on this season of the Whole Assistant Show, I'm breaking down myths that we need to overcome in order to really up-level our careers and our lives. On this episode of the Whole Assistant Show, I'm going to share with you why hustle and working long hours may not lead you to success. On that, I'm going to share with you my personal secret to success as an executive assistant. So, many of us have this underlying belief that in order to be a successful assistant at the highest level, a successful strategic business partner, or really anything, we have to hustle and work long hours.

And now this belief has led to a lot of things. It's led to feeling disconnected from ourselves and our purpose. And it's led to burnout. If you're struggling with this belief, please leave a that's me in the comment section below. Overworking is generally motivated by one of two things. The first thing are feelings of inadequacy. So, we don't want to be the person that's doing the least amount on the team, or we want to over-perform because we want our boss to see all the hard work we're doing, or we don't want to leave early because all of our colleagues and coworkers are staying, so we feel the need to stay too. Or our executive, we don't want him to think poorly of us, so we end up overworking, overcompensate for that. That is one area or one reason why many of us overwork.

The second reason why many of us overwork is avoidance. So, we don't want to feel whatever it is we're going to feel when things get quiet and when things get silent. And instead of actually processing through whatever emotion we're avoiding, we would much rather work and be on it and stay present with our work. So, those are two main reasons why we avoid. And let me tell you guys something, if you're taking action from either of those places, it's not good. It's not good for your health long-term and it's not good for your mental wellbeing as well. Instead, I would have you realize that success as an executive assistant is much more about the value you're bringing to the table than it is about the long hours you work. So, you're valuable regardless, as a human being you're valuable. But then from that inner place of being resourced and realizing your inner value and your inner worth, then we bring to the table, the value to the company and the value to your executive.

So, if you really want to up-level your game and up-level your career, increase the value you're bringing to your executive and organization. Now, this does not look like being all things to all people all the time. In fact, that cheapens your value. If you can be laser-focused on your job position and add value to others when you're available to do so, but really hone in on what will be the most value I can bring to this company. What will be the biggest value add I can bring to my executive. That's where the magic happens. And abandoning, this is also does not look like abandoning your parameters or abandoning your boundaries around your time, or your time off, or your time away, or your personhood. It does not look like that either. In fact, others will respect you more when you respect yourself enough to hold those boundaries with others and to hold those parameters with others.

And I really want you to watch, as I explain this to you, maybe watch this video back. I want you to watch what comes up, up here. I want you to actually deal with those thoughts because they are holding you back from having the best career possible, from having the most amazing position possible, and from really creating value from a place of abundance and not of scarcity. Hopefully, this video has challenged your belief that it is necessary to overwork and hustle in order to achieve success as a top tier EA. Now, I want to hear from you guys, what came up for you when I said that being a successful EA is more about the value you add and the hours you work. I want to hear about it. So, please leave a comment below.

I'm excited to announce that doors will be opening soon for Ultimate Time Management for Assistants. UTMA is the only time management system created by an assistant, that's me, that addresses the unique time management challenges we face every day. If you want to work smarter, not harder, then get on the wait-list now. The doors will only be open for a little while. The link is below. To continue the discussion and receive support from your fellow assistants, head on over to to join our assistants only community. If you liked this video, please let me know by hitting the like button below. Also, be sure to subscribe and share this video with your fellow assistants and administrative professionals. And last but not least, if this video has helped you in some way, I want to know about it. So, please leave a comment below, sharing how ...

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